Selasa, 5 Oktober 2021



5 ulasan:

  1. Mana tak najib bengang bila mahiadin dan mentornya batal projek hsr tapi sambung semula tapi jajarannya diubah dengan pampasan melebihi rm300juta kpd singapura.
    Yg malang projek tersebut dikatakan dpt kpd kroni mahiadin dan mentornya....hmmmmmm

    Rasa-rasanya puak yg legasinya bergantung urusan dan sebati dgn kronisme dan nepotisme nie WAJIB dikuburkan pru15 nanti.

    Watak mentor dan mentee nampak baik dan alim. Yang sekor tua tu asyik promote dia anti rasuah tapi bagaimana anak2, proksi dan kroni suku sakatnya kaya raya mendadak.
    Nak bicara hal rasuah tapi diri sendiri tak sedar bapak segala rasuah. Memang kulit tebal dan munafik.

    Harap pru15 nanti adalah pengakhiran puak legasi kaya sejak awal 80an nie hidup dgn munafik. Rasuah dan salahguna kuasa adalah mainan tapi mengata org lain seolah2 mereka maksum....ptuiihhhh!!!

  2. Entahlah apa naseb rakyat malaysia selalu dapat PM yg pentingkan diri, keluarga dan kroni saje, rakyat hanya jadi bahan tipu menipu ttup kesalahan,bagi bantuan rakyat tak seberapa tp kos ubahsuai seri perdana 38 juta lebih, mmg lah tak dduk lgi pun alasannya.. Ingat kekal berkuasa,lepas siap berangan nk pindah duduk sana tp tuhan maha kaya, 17 bulan berkuasa ditarik kembali dan diganti ismail yg lebih kurang haprak, dgn surat je lulus peruntukan sekolah2 cina rm15 juta.. Jika psal pencen kakitangan awam bawah paras kwmiskinan nk kaji dulu, buat kajian mcm2 dulu.. Payah bkn senang nk lulus mcm MCA guang zong terus lulus tak payah kaji ke bincang ke.. Tak lama jgk rasanya ismai sabri ni jadi PM.

  3. Dear brothers and sisters into the Dhamma
    We would like to inform all Buddhists in Malaysia about YIP KUM FOOK who is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. Buddhists have to follow any precepts rules but YIP KUM FOOK there is nothing any precepts rules in Buddhism, it is very embarrassing.
    Also, he called the police to harass the Buddhist monks at the temple. Adding he cheated Myanmar monk’s money, many people know about it.
    On the other hand, this YIP KUM FOOK did not feel ashamed and embarrassed of the Buddha, he thought, he was a very successful person, also he is dirty in MCA politics
    Thank you so much and please share with all
    Mr fong, kajang

  4. Dear brother and sister,

    I am Myanmar who working in Malaysia more than 10 years and I would like to explain about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. Therefore, recently I stayed at SASANARAKKHA BUDDHIST SANCTUARY (SBS), Taiping, Perak. I am very close with Ven. U Nandiya Maha Thero.

    My monk Ven. U Nandiya is very good heart and compassion to everyone in the world, also I heard when he stayed at Kuala Lumpur Buddhist Temple, he lends donation money to President of Temple (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Gombak) with amount RM20,000.00 only and he said that money belong to Myanmar society in Malaysia.

    On the other hand, my monk said, also many things happened when he stayed there because committees always disturbing, I am very sadly about that matter, why committees are very poor and crooks. Others Temple, people come to Temple to respected Buddha and Monks, also give red packet to monks. Why this Temple, monks must give money to committees, this is opposite.

    If anyone receive or read this message, please inform to DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (president of Temple) to return that amount to my monk as soon as possible.

    My monk contact place:

    Ven. U Nandiya
    49 Bombay Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141.
    Tel: (02) 9649-8124

    With kindness

    Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
    Anyone visiting this Buddhist Temple must be careful with the committee members as they can suck your money and the president of the Temple is also more sucking monks’ money already, add and call the police to arrest Buddhist monks

  5. The committee of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, the committee (YIP KUM FOOK) is red-eyed and jealous when they saw the monks have money, they planned to take money from the monks, who lived there would suffer and be dissatisfied. This is true at the Taman Desa Jaya Buddhist Temple

    their temple committee members have felt nothing, so many people complain about the internet, they also like to know nothing, you must know Buddhists not only in Taman Desa Jaya and Buddhists all over the world have believed and practiced Buddha Dhamma, Our Buddha is not enforcing you to believe his teaching understand!

    Don’t destroy the Dhamma and destroy the Sangha in Buddhism because we know you all are not interested in Buddhist teachings, you destroy the Sangha and you are not a Buddhist practice, you have to raise money from people’s donations only

    Who are kicked monks out from Temple or who related kicked monks, that people will heavy karma in their life in this life and next life, also your family generation life unstable in forever. If you are going somewhere, the others will kick you out from society, this is results of karma

    We know this YIP KUM FOOK well and we are known YIP KUM FOOK from him is a furniture shop business and truck driver to deliver furniture in Desa Jaya, Kepong, run an MCA party in Taman Daya, Kepong but you are in business, we are proud to be happy with you but not interfering with any religion

    We are writing this message over the internet because we want to warn you not to commit crimes against Buddhists (Sangha) anymore, you are the Datuk, the law, the president of any society, we don’t care, thank you very much.

    Sharing by people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong and we are love Buddhist teaching
